“Home Office” won the prize for Best Norwegian Short at Kristiansand International Film Festival, that took place from 25TH to 30TH of April.
The professional jury says in it’s statement (our translation from Norwegian):
“The award for best short film goes to a film that in an original way depicts a reality that will unfortunately be recognizable to many. During the pandemic, many children experienced difficult days at home with their parents, and "Home Office" by Endre Lund Eriksen tells the story of young Lilly and her alcoholic mother without pointing fingers, but with great humanity. Beautiful animation makes the theme easier to convey and the pain is lifted to an almost poetic dimension. Our hope is that this painful, warm and important film will reach a wide audience, both young and old.”
The prize also shortlists the film for the Norwegian film award the Amanda Prize.
Many thanks to the jury - and to all of the team that made this film into something that we are really proud of!
The jury statement in Norwegian:
“Prisen til beste kortfilm går til en film som på originalt vis skildrer en virkelighet som dessverre vil være gjenkjennelig for mange. Under pandemien opplevde mange barn vanskelige hverdager hjemme med sine foreldre, og «Hjemmekontor» av Endre Lund Eriksen forteller historien om unge Lilly og hennes alkoholiserte mor uten bruk av pekefinger og med stor medmenneskelighet. Nydelig animasjon gjør temaet lettere å formidle og det vonde blir løftet til en nesten poetisk dimensjon. Vårt håp er at denne såre, varme og viktige filmen vil nå bredt ut til både store og små. “